
My Position on Veterans

We owe our veterans a profound debt of gratitude that we can never fully repay. Our veterans made great sacrifices and their service has defended our nation and safeguarded our liberties. We must keep our promises to those who wore the uniform of the United States military and do all we can to ensure they have a successful transition from active duty to civilian life.

In Congress, I am committed to upholding my predecessor Jackie Walorski’s legacy of being a champion for our veterans and fighting to ensure that they receive the benefits and quality care they have earned. Some of the ways my office can help are by assisting veterans resolve VA claims, track down records, and obtain medals and commendations that they earned in service but have not yet received. If you are a veteran and need assistance navigating the federal bureaucracy or getting VA benefits, please call (574) 204-2645 or reach out through our “Help with a Federal Agency” page.

Veterans Updates

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