Yakym Votes to Formalize Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Dec 13, 2023
Rule of Law

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Rudy Yakym (IN-02) issued the following statement after voting for H. Res. 918, a resolution formalizing the U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry into President Biden:

“Today I voted ‘yes’ to formalize our impeachment inquiry into President Biden. This marks an important next step in our investigation and in getting Americans the answers they deserve.

“The House Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means Committees have already exposed explosive revelations into the Biden Family’s corruption. But now as the evidence continues to mount, the White House is stonewalling our investigation. That’s why today’s vote was necessary.

“Formalizing our impeachment inquiry gives House subpoenas greater weight and enforcement power, and it bolsters our ability to compel testimony and obtain documents the White House has been withholding from us. We are going to follow the facts wherever they lead, deliver accountability, and get to the bottom of the Bidens’ shady foreign influence peddling schemes once and for all.”

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