Congressman Yakym Statement on Introduction of FAA Reauthorization Legislation
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Rudy Yakym (IN-02) released the following statement on the introduction of the bipartisan Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act. This legislation would reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and aviation safety and infrastructure programs for the next five years:
“I applaud Chairman Sam Graves, Ranking Member Rick Larsen, Aviation Subcommittee Chairman Garret Graves, and Aviation Subcommittee Ranking Member Steve Cohen for their leadership in putting together a bipartisan, home run FAA reauthorization bill. The United States has long been a global leader in aviation safety and innovation. However, as anyone who has flown recently knows all too well, the current state of American aviation leaves a lot to be desired. This bipartisan legislation will help us meet today’s aviation needs, from addressing pilot shortages to making the FAA more efficient to improving the customer’s overall experience.
“As Vice Chair of the Aviation Subcommittee, I will continue working with Committee leadership and my colleagues to get this bill across the finish line in time so we can uphold America’s gold standard of safety and make needed investments in our nation’s aviation technology and critical infrastructure.”
- Congressman Yakym serves as Vice Chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation.