Congressman Yakym Statement on Passage of Republicans’ Responsible Debt Limit Plan to Stop Wasteful D.C. Spending

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Rudy Yakym (IN-02) released the following statement after voting for the “Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023.” “Limit, Save, Grow” is House Republicans’ plan to responsibly address the debt-ceiling, and passed the U.S. House of Representatives today:

“While Hoosiers across Indiana have been forced to cut back, President Biden has continued to spend like there’s no tomorrow. His reckless spending sprees are the reason we have record inflation, high interest rates, and an out-of-control national debt that is the single greatest threat to our nation’s future prosperity. 

“Americans expect and deserve serious solutions to address our debt crisis. That is why instead of waiting until the last minute like Washington usually does, today House Republicans acted decisively and in good-faith to get spending under control. In addition to ensuring we do not default on our debt, this responsible legislation limits wasteful Washington spending, saves taxpayers $4.8 trillion by ending some of President Biden’s far-left programs, and brings back pro-growth policies that unleash American energy and helps lift people out of poverty.

“Now President Biden has a choice: he can continue to bury his head in the sand, play partisan games, and pretend our $31 trillion debt isn’t a problem, or he can come to the table and work with Republicans on commonsense solutions to address this problem before it is too late. I sincerely hope he chooses the later so we can start to get our fiscal house in order and leave our children and grandchildren with a future as bright and a country as free as the one we inherited.” 

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