Yakym Statement on President Biden’s Budget Release
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Rudy Yakym (IN-02) issued the following statement on the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2025 that President Biden released yesterday:
“President Biden’s reckless spending policies over the past three years have created crushing inflation and saddled our country with mountains of new debt, all to advance a left-wing political agenda. Unfortunately, the fiscally irresponsible budget proposal that President Biden released yesterday merely doubles down on these failed economic policies, including by insisting on unsustainable levels of borrowing and spending and nearly $5 trillion in new tax hikes. Worst of all, it would add $18.2 trillion to the debt over ten years on top of the $34.4 trillion we are already in debt today.
“The contrast between President Biden’s budget proposal and the Budget Resolution House Republicans passed out of the Budget Committee last week could not be greater. We need to stop spending money we don’t have and get back to the fiscal discipline that Hoosiers in my District exercise every single day.”